Last night Nick & I laid and bed and talked about Nolan for over 45 mins. He has changed so much in even the last 30 days. He is talking in sentences now - sometimes 3, 4 words at a time. He has started repeating the last couple words of everything we say, he hears on TV..... He is a trip !!!!!! So I thought I would share with all of you some of his "Noli-ism's":
Woody/ Buzz - This is him asking for Toy Story. Completely OBSESSED! It's bad. We watched 3 times alone last Sun AM. In fact he must have been dreaming and the other night at 4:00AM he murmured Woody/Buzz.
Lanky Time - He wants a Blanket.
Cookie Lanky - A Cookie Monster Towel that he has to take with him EVERYWHERE !!!
Blue Water – He wants something to drink in his blue sippy cup. Water is now usually preferred over milk.
Bubble Time – Bath Time. With LOTS & LOTS of bubbles
Mama Like It – This is usually said with a sour, squishy face and what he really means is he DOES NOT LIKE IT!
Car, Black Car, Daddy Car – He uses all 3 to refer to Nick’s Acura. Love it
when he calls it Nono’s Car
– If we are anywhere, out to eat, shopping, even at Meme’s and he’s had enough…..
Next word is always Home. Mama Home.
Lakey & Jaxon – Almost every night on the way home from Meme’s he asks about playing with Blake & Jackson
– Also a new obsession….. Fishing. Every night he grabs his pole in the garage
corner, “Mama Fish”
On – He wants his shoes off. We need
to work on this one :)
Daddy Glove - This means he wants to play catch. Grab your baseball mitt Daddy!
BaketBall - AKA Basketball
Hockey Puck - Just a random one liner he has repeated over & over again from the movie Toy Story. So Random. So Hilarious !!!!
Daddy Glove - This means he wants to play catch. Grab your baseball mitt Daddy!
BaketBall - AKA Basketball
Hockey Puck - Just a random one liner he has repeated over & over again from the movie Toy Story. So Random. So Hilarious !!!!
of course my favorite: “I Luh You Mama”
Such a sweet
sound for your ears right ?!
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