What a fabulous Beach Town and Great Vacation! We're actually en route from Cape May back to Ohio as we speak! It's a 10 hour drive.....Fortunately for us Nolan has been excellent in the car!!! We left last Friday evening and drove till Harrisburg PA where we met my parents and stayed the night. The next morning we took off about 9:30am. After fighting both Philly & Cape May traffic, we arrived at Exit 0 and checked into the Blue Pig (Pip's 300 year old Beach House) at 1:30pm. Pip is a very special friend of the family and we couldn't wait for her & Nolan to meet. We were glad she was able to spend so much time with us!
As soon as we got in town we changed and headed to the beach. Despite the cloudy weather we couldn't wait for Nolan to see the beach, afterall we prepared him for the ocean for the last month. He loved it!!! He ran and giggled and splashed and kicked and giggled even more !!! Very cute to see and brought a big smile to all of our faces! Later Saturday night, Nana, Granpda, and Auntie finally made it. This was our first big family vacation. We had an awesome week full of great company, good food, beach walks, sand castle building, wave jumping, salty kisses, seagull chasing, LOTS of ice cream, porch rockin, seashell collecting, boat dock walks, beach napping, lots of laughs, sunshine, coloring, and sweet family time !!!
I think everyone had a great time and we already can't wait till next year! As we said our goodbyes today, Nolan told Pip he loved Cape May. I can only hope this becomes a yearly tradition :-D
Now off to sort thru the 2500+ pictures of our trip......